TRACK 1. “Rethinking Money: The future of banking and finance”

Is money an end or a means? What is the role of banking, finances and philanthropy in order to build a more sustainable, fair, collaborative and people-centered new economy?

This Track will focus on the role of money and its different functions: money-creation, banking, finance and philanthropy. Speakers, facilitators and participants will face the challenge to identify key specific actions (policies, projects, etc.) that we could undertake to reshape banking and finance for the common good.

TRACK 2. “Reshaping Organizations for the common good”

What is the role of  “organizations” in our society? How can businesses, social enterprises, NGOs and charities collaborate to produce positive social impact? How can consumers, governments and regulation reward those organisations with higher contribution to the common good?

This Track will explore what kind of organizations we would like to see in the world and how to reshape organizations for the common good.

The objective will be to identify key actions and changes to be developed (involving organizations, consumers, governments and regulation) to transform organizations in a useful tool to achieve both the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement objectives on Climate Change.

TRACK 3. “Globalisation & Localisation: Food, energy, trade and resilient communities”

We enjoy live and friendship in our local communities and, at the same time, we live in a global and interconnected world.

In this Track participants will discuss about how to balance globalization and localization. They will talk about:

How to promote local production, trade and consumption in a global world? How to promote food sovereignty as well as energy sovereignty? How can we innovate and move from just “free trade” towards “ethical and sustainable free trade”? Can we use wellbeing and happiness as policy tools?

TRACK 4. “Learning and training for a new economy”

Education is a driver for change. This Track will answer some key questions such as:

How can we bring the New Economy Models (NEMs) to the educational system? How to train citizens, organizations and policy-makers in the new economy? What is the role of media and social media in building a more sustainable, fair, collaborative and people-centered new economy?