Why NESI Forum is not free?

We would certainly like NESI Forum to be as accessible to anyone as possible. In fact, we would love it to be free since our main goal is to make sure people join the debates and get together to lay the foundations of a new economic paradigm that focuses on people’s wellbeing. However, sometimes desires have to face reality and so we need to charge a fixed amount to attendees. We have been recently asked about this: is this coherent with our values and mission?

NESI was thought, designed and born as a non-profit initiative and it will continue to be so. It’s not the accumulation of profits that moves us but our interest to raise awareness about the new economy movements that are producing change worldwide and to encourage action. For that reason, we are aiming to keep the price of this gathering at a minimum but there is still an amount attendees have to pay. In fact, this is sort of a fairness exercise which also aligned with our principles. Even if we are running on a lot of voluntary work and altruism, there are unavoidable costs that have to be covered, resources that will be used and people that deserve to be rewarded for their work and efforts.

Independence and continuity

We want to guarantee the independence of the forum and the debates that will be discussed.

In this sense,  the programme and thematic axes has been worked jointly by a high-level committee of experts, representatives of co-organizing networks and stakeholders from more than 50 different regions of the world.

We want the results of these debates with the citizens to gather the greatest diversity of opinions, so the event brings more than 60 local, national and international speakers who will inspire us and enrich the conclusions.  Furthermore, a team of “thinking designers” will shape the conclusions and final lines of work to ensure the continuity of ideas and projects that arise beyond the forum.

Co-Organization & Co-financing

NESI Forun is an international event that is co-financing and co-organized by a wide network of partners who make the services we offer to the attendees are of quality and affordable in a relationship based on good for us, good for you and good for the community.

All partners and collaborators such as Diputación de Málaga and Ayuntamiento de Málaga and the whole coorganizer’s networks contribute real value in some of organization areas: content / program, production and communication in order to achieve a common goal: boost this global debate on New Economy ands Social Innovation. This has allowed a fluid and optimal exchange of information and services to be included in the forum.

In terms of service delivery, a model that prioritizes the short channel, local suppliers and peer-to-peer relationships has been chosen, prevailing sustainability and local social impact in transport, accommodation and the purchase of products and other services.

We want to make known the city that hosts the forum, so visits and cultural shows will be provided by professionals and artists from Malaga. The decoration and staging of the forum will remind us how we want to live in 30 years. The forum space will be designed by interior architects from Malaga using only sustainable and eco-designed materials.

We are convinced that collaboration and interchange result in innovation and creativity, that is why the financing model of NESI Forum is based on the small contribution of many, not only economic, but also in a kind of barter of services and professional dedication.

By |2017-02-20T18:25:30+00:00February 20th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

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